Cairo experiences significant heat buildup and heatwaves, such as the one in 2015, when temperatures reaching up to 490C led to substantial fatalities. Recent studies demonstrate acute heat-vulnerability in most of the urban core of Greater Cairo Region (GCR). Very few studies, however, explore local practices for coping with heat-events, which this study aims to address. While some propose potential mitigation strategies, the literature remains incomplete, lacking validation.
This study will enhance the collaborative effort by examining the heat exposure of GCR through satellite remote-sensing data and by delving into specific case-studies. Additionally, it will collect data on local heat-perceptions and socio-cultural practices related to living with heat. Alongside, microclimate-measurements will be conducted to support analysis and identify potential localised interventions.
The study extends the findings of recent works by Cairo University which formulated design guidelines for enhancing green and healthy spaces across underprivileged communities in Cairo.
Read more about the research here.