Urban Thinkers Campus: Shaping Urban futures with Sustainable Housing, Mobility, and Green Infrastructure
UHPH-MENA, in collaboration with the German Jordanian University, Connective Cities MENA, Habitat for Humanity Jordan, Resilient Urban Planning and Development (RUPD) GbR, TU-Berlin, and Saint Joseph University of Beirut, co-organized this 3-day event that brought together over 100 experts from Jordan, MENA, and Europe.
Jordan Urban Thinkers Campus -
Urban Thinkers Campus: Heat Stress Resilience – Translating Strategy into Urban Climate Action
UHPH-MENA, in collaboration with GIZ Egypt, RUPD Gbr, Cairo University, and TU-Berlin, co-organized this 2-day event that brought together over 100 experts from across the region to discuss urban heat stress.
Semiramis Intercontinental Hotel Urban Thinkers Campus