Safe drinking-water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) are crucial to human health and well-being.In addition to constituting a prerequisite to health, Safe WASH contributes to livelihoods, school attendance, and dignity and helps to create resilient communities living in healthy environments.

Targeting inclusive and sustainable WASH services towards the most marginalized communities is crucial to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and ensure people’s fundamental rights.

This session aims at raising questions as well as discussing existing technology, solutions and practices that focus on inclusive access to WASH services, while taking into consideration the local context’s needs and resources.


Hadeer Saeed Dahab

Community Architect/ Heritage Education Specialist
Built Environment Collective | Megawra

Hadeer S.Dahab is a Nubian Egyptian Community Architect, Urban Researcher, and Cultural Heritage specialist with ten years’ experience working in the cross-cutting fields of Architecture, Education, Heritage, Conservation, Urban Management and Community Development.

Jawad Dukhgan

Project Manager
UN-Habitat Jordan

Jawad Dukhgan is an architect, researcher, and curator based in Amman. In 2013 he joined Columbia University’s Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation Studio-X Amman

Sherif Samir

Senior Program Coordinator
Habitat for Humanity Egypt (HfHE)

Sherif has been serving poor people with Habitat Egypt for seventeen years in the housing microfinance sector for building and improving house.

Mina Abdelmelek

Former Head of the Local Housing Movement Program, Program Advisor
Better Life Association for Comprehensive Development

Mina Abdelmelek is an Architect and Urban Planner. He is the former head of the Local Housing Movement Program in the Better life association.

Elena Dia

Innovation & Entrepreneurship Manager – Europe
Bridge for Billions

Elena is a former banking sector professional with a passion for development and innovation to boost financial inclusion for the less fortunate.

Frank Nan

Team Leader
VNG International

Frank is currently working for VNG International as project Team Leader on ‘Improving sustainability in the WASH sector in Upper Egypt’.