In the lead-up to the MENA Housing Forum, three national housing fora were convened during October 2022 in Egypt, Jordan, and Lebanon. The conversations generated during these fora constituted some of the main building blocks for the MENA Housing Forum.

Ibrahim El-Kerdany
Professor of Public Health
Media Personality
Dr. Ibrahim El-Kerdany previously worked in the United Nations system for 24 years, including 16 years as Head of Health and Nutrition at UNICEF in Egypt.

Safa Ashoub
Senior Program Manager
Habitat for Humanity Egypt (HfHE)
Safa Ashoub is a senior sustainable development expert and researcher, specialized in urban development, with more than 14 years of professional experience.

Mousa Naffa
Manager for Jordan Country Program & MENA Region
Europe and the Middle East, Habitat for Humanity International.
Mousa Naffa is a dedicated and experienced Humanitarian Professional with more than 17 years of professional experience working in senior management and leadership positions.

Rami Bou Reslan
Lebanon Country Focal Point
Habitat for Humanity International
Rami Bou Raslan is the Lebanon Country Focal Point for Habitat for Humanity International