Workshop: Enhancing Urban Climate Resilience in Informal Settlements in Egypt & MENA
UHPH-MENA cooperated with Habitat for Humanity Egypt to co-host a workshop bringing together stakeholders in the field of adequate housing, to discuss approaches to enhancing climate resilience in unplanned/informal settlements, with a special focus on heat stress.
Habitat for Humanity Egypt Workshop -
Housing Vacancy in Beirut 2023: Drivers and Trends
The Beirut Urban Lab conducted a housing vacancy survey in 2023 that covered a representative sample of Municipal Beirut, divided across its market segments. The main findings of the survey are presented and analyzed in the published research report titled “Housing Vacancy in Beirut 2023: Drivers and Trends.”
Women’s Housing and the UrbanExperience in Egypt
This book by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (Egypt Office) is inspired by questions on women’s access to safe and adequate housing as a constitutional right and on women’s safety both in the privacy of their homes and in public.
Egypt State of Housing 2021: A Year of Urban Change
This report by 10Tooba outlines and explains major changes in housing policies that were made or enacted in 2021 in Egypt.