Urban Thinkers Campus: Heat Stress Resilience – Translating Strategy into Urban Climate Action
UHPH-MENA, in collaboration with GIZ Egypt, RUPD Gbr, Cairo University, and TU-Berlin, co-organized this 2-day event that brought together over 100 experts from across the region to discuss urban heat stress.
Semiramis Intercontinental Hotel Urban Thinkers Campus -
Workshop: Enhancing Urban Climate Resilience in Informal Settlements in Egypt & MENA
UHPH-MENA cooperated with Habitat for Humanity Egypt to co-host a workshop bringing together stakeholders in the field of adequate housing, to discuss approaches to enhancing climate resilience in unplanned/informal settlements, with a special focus on heat stress.
Habitat for Humanity Egypt Workshop -
Urban Housing Practitioners Hub in the Middle East and North Africa (UHPH-MENA)
Issue Brief
Heritage-based solutions for Climate Resilience in MENA Cities
This publication, published by Cities Alliance in collaboration with the United Nations Environment Programme, the Union for the Mediterranean, and Habitat for Humanity’s UHPH-MENA, explores how we can learn from traditional practices to address contemporary environmental challenges.
Exposure visit
Enhancing Heat Stress Resilience in MENA’s Urban Settlements
In October 2023, UHPH-MENA organized an exposure visit for seven housing practitioners from different countries in the MENA region. The practitioners were hosted in Cairo, Egypt, and took part in a series of activities over four days, sharing their experiences with – and learning from – over 100 other urban experts who took part in the various activities.
The human development impacts of upgrading informal settlements in the MENA region
UHPH-MENA will host a virtual roundtable discussing Habitat for Humanity’s report on improving informal settlements’ housing in the Middle East’s potential socioeconomic impacts on a national scale
Virtual Roundtable Discussion -
Short-Term Consultancy: Author of Egypt Profile and North Africa Regional Overview for MENA Adequate Housing Yearbook
Open Call -
Short-Term Consultancy: Author of Lebanon Profile and Levant Regional Overview for MENA Adequate Housing Yearbook
The general aim of the Yearbook is to offer a broad overview of housing in the MENA region, with special emphasis placed on the key challenge of ensuring access to adequate housing for all, especially low-income households and vulnerable groups.
Open Call -
Housing Uncertainties, Financial Crisis, and Social Protections
Housing and Social Protection in the Arab Region
Virtual Roundtable Discussion -
Housing Uncertainties, Financial Crisis, and Social Protections
Urban Precarious Shelters
Virtual Panel Discussion -
Housing Uncertainties, Financial Crisis, and Social Protections
Housing Loans, Mortgaged Lives
Virtual Panel Discussion -
Housing Uncertainties, Financial Crisis, and Social Protections
Virtual -
Housing Uncertainties, Financial Crisis, and Social Protections
The Contours of Housing Financialization
Early Commodification, Late Financialization and the Role of Short-term Rental Platforms in the Housing Market of the Greek Capital City.
Virtual Panel Discussion -
Financing Informal Area Upgrading through Land Value Capture
The Middle East and North Africa Urban Housing Practitioners Hub (MENA-UHPH) is organizing a virtual panel discussion that seeks to explore the use of land value capture instruments to fund the upgrading of informal areas.
Virtual Panel Discussion -
Day 2 of the MENA Housing Forum: How it went
On November 22nd, 2022, the MENA Housing Forum continued for its second day, starting off with opening words by the Day 2 MC, Marwa Barakat (MENA Housing Forum Assistant Coordinator).
At the Event -
Day 1 of the MENA Housing Forum: How it went
The first day of the MENA Housing Forum kicked off covered a wide range of issues, from climate change and housings, ways out of informality, data and the partnerships needed to create more affordable housing.
At the Event -
Day 3 of the MENA Housing Forum: How it went
On November 23rd, 2022, the MENA Housing Forum commenced its third and final day with an in-person session on the Integration of Socioeconomic Planning and Local Economic Development in Housing Planning.
At the Event -
The MENA Housing Forum 2022
Closing Ceremony
Cairo Marriott Hotel -
The MENA Housing Forum 2022
Best Practices in Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) for Deprived/Peripheral Areas
Virtual Parallel Session -
The MENA Housing Forum 2022
Housing, Land, and Property Rights
Cairo Marriott Hotel Virtual Panel Discussion -
The MENA Housing Forum 2022
Accelerating the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals and the New Urban Agenda in Informal Settlements and Slums
Virtual Webinar -
The MENA Housing Forum 2022
Amplify Your Initiative!
Cairo Marriott Hotel Presentation -
The MENA Housing Forum 2022
Integration of Socioeconomic Planning and Local Economic Development in Housing Planning
Cairo Marriott Hotel Panel Discussion -
The MENA Housing Forum 2022
Mainstreaming Gender in Housing Policies and Programs
Virtual Discussion -
The MENA Housing Forum 2022
Supporting Displaced Populations Through Housing
Cairo Marriott Hotel Panel Discussion -
The MENA Housing Forum 2022
Best Practices in Housing Finance and Microfinance for the Vulnerable
Cairo Marriott Hotel Panel Discussion -
The MENA Housing Forum 2022
Reducing the Housing Sector’s Contribution to CO2 Emissions
Virtual Discussion -
The MENA Housing Forum 2022
Pitches by Innovation Awards Finalists + Live Vote
Cairo Marriott Hotel Competition -
The MENA Housing Forum 2022
Towards a Resilient Housing Sector in MENA
Cairo Marriott Hotel Planery Session -
The MENA Housing Forum 2022
Affordable Housing for Lower-Income Groups
Cairo Marriott Hotel Panel Discussion