Mina Abdelmelek is an Architect and Urban Planner. He is the former head of the Local Housing Movement Program in the Better life association for comprehensive development.
With more than 15 years of experience in leading Housing and Urban Development programs in many national and international organisations, he could participate in enhancing the built environment by improving more than 7500 houses for low-income inhabitants and enhancing the quality of infrastructure for more than 25 Low-income communities in upper Egypt in parallel with raising their awareness in different related aspects. In addition, He working on raising awareness of using climate-friendly solutions and materials in building and implementing of the infrastructure in rural communities in Upper Egypt. This program was awarded World Habitat Award in 2010, given annually to 2 programs from the global north and the south that provide practical and innovative solutions to the current housing needs.
Mina is an MSc holder after completing a master`s degree in “Building and Urban Design in Development” from the University College London “UCL”. In addition, he has a professional Diploma in Projects Management “PRMG” – The American university of Cairo “AUC”.