Robyn is the Asia Pacific Housing Forum Coordinator for Habitat for Humanity International and President Emeritus of Women In Real Estate, one of the early organisations in Kenya with a gender mission in the private sector. She is also the Chair of the Nairobi City County’s Women in Leadership and Decision-Making Taskforce. As an urban planner and participatory engagement practitioner she has initiated several programmes and interventions that have transformed whole communities and segments within for over 17 years in Kenya and nearly 30 years in the US.

She is the co-author of ‘Building in Kenya: A Real Estate Developers Toolkit’, in its second print the only comprehensive book providing open-source information on the building process, and Co-Executive Producer of the online course in the same name. She is the co-founder of the Kilimani Project Foundation (an internationally recognised community foundation) and Co-Chair of its Planned Development Committee, she is a leader in Kenya Private Sector’s (KEPSA) Nairobi Forum, Trustee of Crafts with Meaning (a social enterprise that creates markets for rural artisans), Board Member of Buildher (organisation that empowers Kenyan Women through connecting advocacy, accredited construction skills and life skills training to employment) and weekly, she leads transformational and leadership programmes to hundreds of people in Africa.