Building urban resilience and environmental sustainability
Topic: Block: Risks, climate change and resilience
The objective of this LAV is to initiate a dialogue with parties who are developing initiatives in LAC on mitigation of and adaptation to climate change, and risk management. Specifically, it seeks to delve into the current challenges for the construction of resilience and environmental sustainability, in the analysis of various initiatives implemented, and in linking these issues to housing and habitat.
Guide Questions
- How can the CC agenda be positioned at the center of urban development and housing processes? And how can the urban resilience and environmental sustainability agenda be used to articulate immediate and gradual strategies for urban planning and other public policies to promote joint adaptation actions in medium-sized cities?
- What mechanisms can achieve concurrent strategic planning (multi-level, inter-sectoral, inter-territorial and inclusive) that promotes the implementation of sustainable, viable, and scalable projects?
- Of the initiatives implemented in LAC regarding climate change and urban resilience, which have resulted in engagement and coordinated processes among diverse parties, levels, and sectors? What common principles identify them?
- How can the gap between national/international parameters be closed with the needs or lack of local capacities? How can legal frameworks or actions be integrated to guarantee the scaling of local initiatives? What role do local or international development agencies play in this challenge?
- How can the risk and vulnerability of marginalized communities that are more exposed to CC be reduced (e.g. through training and/or appropriate communication technologies), and how can these communities become involved ed in planning processes, as well as in the design and implementation of adaptation projects?
- How can the implementation of housing improvement projects with sustainable and resilient infrastructure be promoted, particularly in informal settlements?
- How can the actions of the private sector be promoted and linked to the climate change agenda to establish innovative business models? How can we incorporate this business logic at the public sector level to articulate investments in housing and urban development with strategies of urban resilience and environmental sustainability?
- How to generate links between the academia and other parties (e.g. technological developers or alternative construction) to strengthen the integration between different subjects, as well as between research and action?
Reference Documentation
- BID (2011). Sostenibilidad Urbana en América Latina y el Caribe (BID, 2011). Coord. Jaime Bonet.
- BID (2013). The Climate and Development Challenge for Latin America and the Caribbean, Options for climate-resilient, low-carbon development. Walter Vergara, Ana R. Rios, Luis M. Galindo, Pablo Gutman, Paul Isbell, Paul H. Suding, Joseluis Samaniego.
- BID (2013b) Climate Change Mitigation & Adaptation through Publically-Assisted Housing. Carlos Martin, Gisela Campillo, Hilen Meirovich, Jesus Navarrete.
- BID (2017). Delivering a Climate Agenda for LAC: IDB Actions to 2020.
- BID (2017b). A Blue Urban Agenda, adapting to Climate Change in the Coastal Cities of Caribbean and Pacific Small Island Developing States. Michelle Mycoo y Michael G. Donovan.
- Caribbean Network for Urban and Land Management (2017). The Gap Between Rhetoric and Reality, A Critical Review of Presentations from the Caribbean Urban Forum 2016, Suriname. Eds. Asad Mohammed, Perry Polar.
- CCCCC (2012). Caribbean Regional Strategic Program for Climate Resilience.
- CDKN (2014). The IPCC’s Fifth Assessment Report What’s in it for Latin America?
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- Lucy Winchester & Raquel Szalachman (2010). Chapter 28: The Urban Poor’s Vulnerability to Climate Change in Latin America and the Caribbean en “Cities and Climate Change”.
- Ministerio del Ambiente en Perú (2014). Ciudades sostenibles y cambio climático, Resumen de experiencias, procesos e iniciativas desarrolladas en Perú. Ed. Luis S. Naters.
- UN (2010). Avances de la Sostenibilidad Ambiental del Desarrollo en América Latina y el Caribe.
- UN-Habitat (2011). Cities and Climate Change: Global Report on Human Settlements.
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- Xuemei Bai et al. (2018). Six research priorities for cities and climate change.
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