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Metropolitan governance


Metropolitan governance

Topic: Block: Land for housing, integration of resettlements


The objective of this LAV is to promote dialogue between agents at different government levels, non-governmental organizations, international agencies, civil society, the private sector, and other parties that are part of the metropolitan governance, in order to exchange knowledge to understand the importance and complexity of the subject, identify potential and limitations from experiences and current mechanisms of metropolitan governance in LAC, and identify evolution trends.

Guide Questions

  1. What are the main topics/issues that require a metropolitan governance approach for LAC?
  2. What are the common conditions (political, technical or contextual) of metropolitan governance initiatives in LAC that have allowed for progress? How do these initiatives promote/obstruct the improvement of informal settlements and social housing?
  3. In contexts where the engagement of some parties, e.g. civil society, tends to be low or inexistent regarding metropolitan decisions, what functions/roles, capacities, spaces and/or methodologies might start the conversation to create a plural and inclusive concerted project portfolio?
  4. What is the role of the private and public sectors (different levels) in improving the conditions of democracy for metropolitan governance?
  5. What learning and relationships might be generated between formal (top down) and more informal (bottom up) institutional arrangements for the construction of metropolitan governance?
  6. What power redistribution processes among different parties might influence the development of tools (e.g. legal, financial or technological) that encourage the creation of intersectoral, inter-territorial and inter-institutional alliances for the improvement of housing and public infrastructure?
  7. Which are the limits and potential of, as well as the relationship between, the two common funding sources of metropolitan projects (tax resources/federal government transfers versus resources for attracting land appraisal/public-private partnerships) for strengthening metropolitan governance?
  8. What is the effectiveness of metropolitan projects created from issues or sectors (housing or mobility) versus integrated and complex approaches (intersectoral projects)?
  9. How to take advantage of crises (e.g. economic or environmental) to strengthen the metropolitan governance agenda? And what are the priority areas of practice and research in favor of its evolution?

Reference Documentation
